Hypnobirthing Course (in Burghfield Common, Reading)
The Calm Births Course is a birth education programme designed by a Midwife (me!) and accredited by the Royal College of Midwives. (You can see our main site here) It is designed to help you achieve a calm, gentle and positive birth. The aim of the Calm Births Course is to give you and your birth partner the skills needed to remain feeling calm, positive and in control no matter what turn your birth may take.
My classes are informal and relaxed, and tailored to you and your needs.
The Calm Births Course is a course of 4 sessions of roughly 1 and half hours each, and lots of relaxation practice at home for you & your chosen birth partner. If it is not your first baby, you will need only 3 sessions (just pop me an email to book the shorter course).
You will learn how to take yourself away into a deep space of relaxation whenever and wherever you wish, whilst remaining alert & in control.
You will learn about the physiology and hormones involved and what you can do to be in control of your birth. These tools, along with other techniques for birthing, will empower you to have the safe, calm and gentle birth you deserve. This course is designed to work for you regardless of the way your baby comes into the world, whether it be a vaginal birth or a Caesarean.
What you will learn:
Session 1
Part 1
- How the body births
- What can interrupt this process and how
- The subconscious and conscious minds and what they have to do with birth
- Brain wave patterns
- A light relaxation
- A positive birth story
- A positive birth film
Part 2
- A positive birth film (c-section)
- What happens / what choices you have for c-section & how hypnobirthing works then
- Different types of birth - what healthcare professionals can be present & what choices you have
- How to help the body into labour
- Induction
- What happens in early labour & what should/can you do
- Easy breathing
- Light touch massage
- Pelvic floors & perineal massage
- A positive birth story
- A relaxation
Session 2:
Part 1
- What you really need in your hospital bag
- Breathing for labour & how to cope during surges
- The power of visualisations
- When to call the midwife
- Techniques for surges
- The transition phase- Being fully dilated and pushing
- Breathing for birth
- What happens next
- Choices in birth / how to ask for what you want
- A positive birth film
- A relaxation
Part 2
- The birth of a mum & the transition to motherhood
- Things people don't tell you about the postnatal period
- The fourth trimester
- How to cope in the early days
- Feeding
- Baby care
Who's it for & when should I start?
There is no ideal time to start the course, but it’s usually best after 20 weeks. It is for any kind of birth in any kind of setting. In fact some of Hypnobirthing's greatest advocates are those who, for varying reasons, had surgical births. The techniques that they had learned in class equipped them with the tools they needed to relax and remain calm. We also have a separate ‘Hypnobirthing for C-section’ course for those who have a C-Section booked.
What are the benefits?
The benefits to a woman or birthing person, her baby and her birth partner are many, primarily these are:
Fewer instrumental or surgical births
Shorter labours
High success rate in turning breech babies
Less pain perceived in labour
Lessens fatigue during labour
Less need for episiotomy
Dad or birth partner are an integral part of the process & know what to do - they’re not a helpless bystander
Hypnobirthing babies are calmer, better sleepers and generally have higher Apgar scores at birth
What my clients say:
“This course has made me look at birthing completely differently. I no longer feel worried or nervous, I just feel prepared & ready to birth naturally”
Hannah is incredibly welcoming and puts you at ease straight away. Her lovely manner ensures you can really let go of any fears you have and learn how to look forward to the birth of your child. With her background in midwifery, Hannah provides so much information with regards to the medical side of childbirth; no question is silly.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Hannah to anyone, we’ll be back if there’s another one! Thank you.
Upcoming Group courses 2025:
Wednesday evenings from 7pm:
March 5th to 26th - Book here
May 7th to 28th - Book here
June 4th to 25th - Book here
The Cost
First time parents: 4 classes at £150 in a group or £299 private - all classes held in Burghfield Common, Reading.
Non-first time parents: 3 classes at £100 in a group or £225 private
Contact Me
If you’d like to chat more about Hypnobirthing and how it might work for you, or to arrange private classes please complete the form below, email: hannah@calmbirths.uk or message: 07852 954122